We KNOW Its overwhelming!

    Featured collection

    Cloth diapers have come a long way in style, function, cuteness, and accessibility. While the classics are still very popular, there's a system to suit everyone's needs. You will likely need to try out at least a few different kinds before knowing what will work best for your little one's body and your family's preferences. Our trial and newborn rental programs are a great way to get started with cloth diapers and figure out what best suits your needs! As always, we are happy to offer friendly, non-judgmental advice and tips based on your needs/situation. We know it seems overwhelming at a glance; we are happy to show you how easy it can be!

    • Gently Used Cloth Diapers

      Our trial, rental, and return policies mean that we have an excellent selection of gently used cloth diapers!

      Blog posts

      2021 Post-Thanksgiving Deals! (Call it what you want! Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, Cyber Monday, Plaid Friday, etc!)
      2021 Post-Thanksgiving Deals! (Call it what you want! Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, Cyber Monday, Plaid Friday, etc!)

      by Kelly Serbonich

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      2021 Childbirth Education Offerings & Accessibility - Ithaca, NY
      2021 Childbirth Education Offerings & Accessibility - Ithaca, NY

      by Kelly Serbonich

      Informed families are able to reduce the anxieties they have in the birthing process, understand what care is available, what is normal, and have informed and empowering conversations while working in collaboration with their care providers. Birth education is a tremendous amount of patient education that can’t always be put into the time of a prenatal visit.

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