Imagine a newborn cover that fits well and smaller than other adjustable newborn covers? Well, Imagine has done it! Pair it with a fitted, prefold, or flat for a great newborn diaper system.
Imagine's newborn cover has an elasticized dip in the front for umbilical cord healing, double gussets at the legs for extra leak protection, and easily wipeable inner for easy cleaning and reuse.
Imagine Newborn Diaper Covers fit from approximately 5 to 13 lbs. Perfect for getting you through until one-size options fit!
How to prepare for first use
Imagine Diaper Covers should be washed and dried one time before use. Be sure to fasten aplix closures to the laundry tab (just fold them onto it) for washing and drying.
For our washing recommendations, click here.
$ 34.99
Blueberry Simplex All-in-One diaper is the rock star of the all-in-one diapers! All-in-One? Check. Natural fibers against baby? Check. One-size? Check. Option for stay-dry built in? Check. Airflow channel for...
$ 110.29
Our cloth diaper trial program is recommended by Parenting Magazine as "The Easy Way to Try Cloth!" For the newborn trial (babies under 12 lb.), click here. Step 1: Pay...
$ 19.99
Do you want the convenience of an all-in-one diaper (think just as easy as a disposable to put on and take off!) but natural fibers against your baby's skin? Look...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
Call or text: 607-272-1237
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