Dear Ithaca,
BIRTH CLASS OPTIONS:I hope you are all safe and healthy this holiday season! 2020 has been a challenging shift in many aspects of our lives, ability to access care and connect with community. Providing comprehensive birth education that is accessible to our community is a passion of mine, which has grown with the financial strain and loss of jobs the pandemic has created. To be blunt, birth education is harm reduction. Informed families are able to reduce the anxieties they have in the birthing process, understand what care is available, what is normal, and have informed and empowering conversations while working in collaboration with their care providers. Birth education is a tremendous amount of patient education that can’t always be put into the time of a prenatal visit. Birth education is also a way to create a parent community (especially important with Covid-induced isolation), and broaden the care models they engage in to be better supported through this transition.With that said, I want to let you know about birth education models that are active and available (online) while we are still unable to meet for group classes. (While these classes are focused on the local birthing community, I have had students from all around the US since the classes have shifted to an online model).Accessibility Options: Some insurance plans will partially reimburse for birth education. Those patients/clients who have a HSA/FSA plan can also use those tax free dollars to reimburse for birth education (and doula care!). Families who are connected to Cornell can access their free classes (details below). Any participant in the Doula Access Initiative will receive a voucher to attend any of these classes for free. While frustrating and demoralizing for people in financial stress always have to announce it to access services, any community members who are income eligible for the MOMS program or TP3 to email me and say they are eligible for a Birth Class Scholarship. I do not need to have proof of eligibility.
Cayuga Birthplace Childbirth Classes-This one day class has shifted to an on-line 4 mini-sessions. Families can sign up for the individual classes or the whole series. These classes are mainly focused on delivering at CMC, but are open to anyone. They are idea for families who don’t want attend a long series, or who have held off for last minute learning before the birth. Classes will be every other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November). Classes are $30/session or $100 for all four. online class-This is the most comprehensive series that I offer. It is ideal for people who really want to spend time getting to know other families and who are eager to learn all they can before birth. This is particularly suited for those families who are anxious or have a history of trauma. The class is $200 a couple and a new session starts roughly every 10 weeks. Preparing For Baby Series-This series is open to families who are connected with Cornell (as a student, staff, faculty, or spouse of). This class has three teachers (myself, Jessica Evett, and Jeanette McCulloch) and Cornell also does a lot of great education on job safety in pregnancy, insurance plans, family leave, childcare and more. This class is free for those families who qualify. This class runs twice a year in the fall and spring semester. classes are trauma-informed, non-judgemental, and don’t focus on one method of birth, infant feeding or parenting. Because of my background in massage and movement, I talk a lot about movement and pain coping strategies, as well as educating families on the options they have to choose from in each care model. Classes are inclusive and a safe space for all the myriad of ways birthing individuals identify and the beautiful and unique ways families are made.If you want to learn more or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.Kate