A super soft and absorbent prefold! This prefold combines the benefit of the feel and absorbency of bamboo, with the quick absorbing feature of a cotton prefold.
Size 1: Infant 12 x 16 in. 4x8x4 ply, 7 to 15 lb.
Size 2: Premium 14.5 x 22 in., 4x8x4, 15 to 30 lb.
Made from 50% organic cotton. 50% bamboo.
Wash/dry bamboo diapers on warm or cold heat several times to reach initial absorbency. Wash only about a dozen or so at a time for the initial pre-washes.
Depending on your water source and temperature, you may need fewer or additional washings for this initial prep period. We recommend washing your diapers by themselves during this break-in period. This will prevent the oils coming off the bamboo from coating your other cloth diapers.
For our washing recommendations, click here.
$ 1.75
Pure, unbleached Indian cotton makes these prefolds incredibly soft and absorbent. These are long lasting Diaper Service Quality (DSQ) diapers, meaning they are the same ones diaper services use. We...
$ 3.99 $ 4.99
Retired from our diaper service, these diapers still have lots of use left in them, however they are frayed and/or have holes in them and may have some staining. Very popular...
$ 2.50
Do you want to skip fastening your prefolds with a Snappi? Instead, use these "Better Fit" prefolds and just fold them into thirds and lay them into a cover! Traditional...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
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Email: orders@jilliansdrawers.com
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