Cloth diapers have come a long way in style, function, cuteness, and accessibility. While the classics are still very popular, there's a system to suit everyone's needs. You will likely need to try out at least a few different kinds before knowing what will work best for your little one's body and your family's preferences. Our trial and newborn rental programs are a great way to get started with cloth diapers and figure out what best suits your needs! As always, we are happy to offer friendly, non-judgmental advice and tips based on your needs/situation. We know it seems overwhelming at a glance; we are happy to show you how easy it can be!
$ 9.99
Thirsties Hemp Prefolds... probably the best thing to happen to prefolds! Of all prefolds available, Thirsties prefolds are quickly becoming a favorite because of their smart design and fabric. They...
$ 16.99
Size Size 1: Newborn – 12 x 13 in. / 4-9 lbs (2 x 6 x 2 ply)Size 2: Infant – 14 x 15.5 in. / 7-15 lbs (4 x...
$ 19.99
A super soft and absorbent prefold! This prefold combines the benefit of the feel and absorbency of bamboo, with the quick absorbing feature of a cotton prefold. Size Size 1: Infant...
$ 12.99
Preflats, the latest style in cloth diapering, offer the advantages of both stretchy flats and prefolds in a winged, double-layered design for a more enjoyable diapering experience. The Preflat is a...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
Call or text: 607-272-1237
© 2025 Jillian's Drawers.