The “Magic Parade” is a captivating collection of songs and stories with a variety of instrumention and musical styles that will appeal to children and their parents and grandparents. From Broadway to swing to a madrigal, the music is fresh, lyrical, and fun, played by some of Ithaca’ s finest musicians. Some of the original tunes are set to the classic folktales Billy Goats Gruff, Stone Soup, and Country Mouse, City Mouse along with several traditional favorites such as “I Love To Go a Wandering” and a few whimsical topics such as “Apple Pie Time”and “Welcome Back Mrs. Robin.” Very soon, the melodies will become part of your repertoire as you sing, laugh and dance with the Magic Parade.
Hi, I've always loved a parade, it's fun for everybody. I invite you to join this one, like "Magic Parade." Grab your cape and wand and step on out. It's a razzle dazzle of songs from Broadway style to swing to a quiet lullaby, have fun listening, singing along, laughing and dancing, and I hope to see you at a performance someday soon! *
Behind the whimsical cover by Annie Campbell is the cast of characters that made the songs come to life. Through snow, rain, sunshine and mist, Molly MacMillan, the executive producer has guided the "Magic Parade"with a creative flair and musical finesse to the finish line! We have had fun planning and recording all these songs, and hoping to surprise you with a variety of sounds.
The Mrs. McPuppet Singers whose voices and talents add much to this and other Mrs. McPuppet CDs.
Magic Parade :
Harry Potter and Halloween come to mind when you listen to this
lively swing dance song. See what kind of motions you can create for the chorus.
“Let's do the razzle dazzle
add a wiggle and a waggle
slither like a snake skin
abracadabra, bippity boo.”
I've Got a Toad
It's spring and the amphibians are laying their eggs. This is a fun song for studying the life cycle of a frog or toad with a “toady oady oh” chorus.
Make a toad or frog puppet, click here for directions.
Country Mouse City Mouse
In this new variation of a classic folktale, the theme is about understanding differences and fits in well with Character Education. The city mouse experiences the streams and babbling brooks in the country and then shows the country mouse his brownstone and a night on the town with dinner and the theater.
Make one of each, a country and a city mouse puppet! Click here for directions.
Give your puppets names, bring them to life, and describe the different places that they live.
Billy Goats Gruff
In this all time favorite story with the trip trap trip trap over the bridge, the 3 goats work together to win over the troll from a fight to a friendship.
Make shadow puppets out of black paper to retell the story. Cut them out and tape a shish ka bob stick on the back. Use a cardboard box for the shadow stage. Cut out a window and use paper for the screen. Set the shadow stage up in front of a window and use the sunlight for your light source. Click herefor patterns.
Stone Soup
Generosity is the culminating feeling that this folktale inspires. A nice complement to Thanksgiving time.
Welcome Back Mrs. Robin
The harbinger of spring, this song celebrates the arrival of the robin from its migration north for spring. What are other signs of spring? Keep an ongoing list for the season.
Too Much Noise
A funny old folktale with a wise woman and a great chorus. Each verse another animal is added. Fun to act out with all the characters even the animals being played by people.
“But the bed squeaked and the floor creaked
And the wind blew through the trees
The tea kettle sang and the door bell rang
There was just too much noise.”
Apple Pie Time
One of the favorite activities of the fall season is making an apple pie. This song goes through the pie baking process, snap your fingers in time with the beat. During the chorus, join hands for a circle dance. Have everyone bring in a apple or have fun picking apples for a pie.