HABA Paul and The Moon Game

Our customers love the quality and design of Haba toys and you will too!
Paul and the Moon is a cooperative memory game for 1-6 players, and plays in 5-10 minutes. Players take control of Paul moving him around the pond, when he is moved on a new space look at the symbol on the same. Now pick a star that you think has the matching headdress symbol to the space Paul is on. If you are correct hang the star along the star path, creating part of the star ladder. If you did not pick the matching star, return the star (facedown) in the pond. And pull the cloud over until the new yellow star is visible, covering more of the moon. The next player now takes there turn. If you complete the star ladder before the moon is covered, you have saved the moon! There is also a competitive mode and two variations on the co-op mode to play.

For What Age

3 - 8 years


Game includes 1 Paul’s garden (star path and garden pond), 1 play figure Paul, 5 star tiles, 30 sparkle sprites, 1 die with dots, 10 wooden stars, and 1 set of instructions with bedtime story.


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Product Origin: Designed in Germany, made in China

About Haba

HABA’s company philosophy is based on one simple principle: Children are the most important things in life. Instilling fundamental values, helping them become independent and develop into creative and imaginative people is not the exclusive job of the parents; children grow up in a complex network of relationships. Siblings, friends, care-givers, teachers—they all have an influence on child development. In addition to the people in their life, the environment and the objects around them play a major role in their development from the first day on.


The owners of this family company identify with the social market economy. Only companies which work towards obtaining profit safeguard their futures. We take the word “social responsibility” seriously. Both in terms of social benefits for our employees and relationships with partners.

Conscience - We breathe environmental protection and sustainability!

Proactive environmental protection and sustainable production have been fundamental components of our company philosophy for years. As early as 1999 HABA was the first German toy manufacturer to comply with EMAS, receiving DIN ISO 14001 certification for environmental management. Short transportation routes, modern production techniques and innovative materials are a matter of course for us. We use new organic materials from sustainable resources, as well as wood from sustainable silviculture and textiles, plastics and paperboard from renewable resources.


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