For everyday washing of your wool items, simply melt a Lanolin Cube in a cup of boiled or really hot water. Stir until it is dissolved and water turns soapy white. Then pour into your warm water sink basin. Your wool diaper covers, sweaters and other items will be washed and conditioned in one easy step. Follow with a rinse and gently wring out excess water and hang dry. This wash will not bubble up or get foamy, but your wool will get clean! If you want foamy lanolin soap, try our foaming wash!
Each package contains 6 Cubes!
Each pack contains 6 cubes
Made with
Simply melt a Lanolin Cube in a cup of boiled or really hot water. Stir until it is dissolved and water turns soapy white. Then pour into your warm water sink basin. Your wool diaper covers, sweaters and other items will be washed and conditioned in one easy step. Follow with a rinse and gently wring out excess water and hang dry. This wash will not bubble up or get foamy, but your wool will get clean! If you want foamy lanolin soap, try our foaming wash!
Please Note: You can use more Lanolin Cubes for larger sweaters, bulk washing or multiple diaper covers. If you have a small or newborn cover, you can cut it in half. But for time and ease, we recommend washing more than one cover at a time.
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609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
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Sun 12-5pm
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