Our customers love the quality and design of Haba toys and you will too!
The stacking ships are ready to set sail through the bathtub or baby pool. Their shape allows them to easily ladle and scoop water, as well as next inside eachother for easy storage.
Each boat measures 6.5" x 3" x 2"
12 months+
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From Haba-
At the core of our corporate philosophy are children.
HABA’s company philosophy is based on one simple principle: Children are the most important things in life. Instilling fundamental values, helping them become independent and develop into creative and imaginative people is not the exclusive job of the parents; children grow up in a complex network of relationships. Siblings, friends, care-givers, teachers—they all have an influence on child development. In addition to the people in their life, the environment and the objects around them play a major role in their development from the first day on.
$ 9.99
Made for play! Squish it up and run it under water, use like soap! If you hold it under running water, it will make bubbles! Keep bath time fun with...
$ 13.99
Whether you’re running marathons or running a company, wrestling mustangs or wrestling code, a hot, scented, moisturizing bath will let you hit the reset button and create all that magic...
Sold Out $ 3.99
Made from natural rubber! Sea creatures star in splashy adventures—and verbal skills develop—when kids play with Bathtub Pals. These fun characters bubble when submerged and drain easily after playtime in the...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
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