Travel in Style – Most first aid kits look so clinical—upgrade your small first aid kit for travel to a fashionable one. Your cute first aid kit fits into a suitcase, diaper bag, purse, or backpack.
The mini first aid kit has 60 pieces of essential first aid supplies for every ouchie.
The GoKit has 130 pieces, including a Tick Remover, Nosebleed Plugs, Sting Relief, Moleskin, Kid's Bandages and Stickers with so much more!
Carabiner attaches easily to backpack, stroller, or small purse
Mini: 4.5 x 3.5 x 2 in. GoKit: 6.75” x 5” x 2”
Stain and water resistant case that fits easily anywhere. Contents are latex free.
$ 9.99
Made for play! Squish it up and run it under water, use like soap! If you hold it under running water, it will make bubbles! Keep bath time fun with...
$ 13.99
Whether you’re running marathons or running a company, wrestling mustangs or wrestling code, a hot, scented, moisturizing bath will let you hit the reset button and create all that magic...
Sold Out $ 3.99
Made from natural rubber! Sea creatures star in splashy adventures—and verbal skills develop—when kids play with Bathtub Pals. These fun characters bubble when submerged and drain easily after playtime in the...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
Call or text: 607-272-1237
© 2025 Jillian's Drawers.