Keep those toys dry and out of the way! Suction cups makes for super easy installation and adjustments.
Expands to 4 feet with 3 suction cups.
Made from mesh fabric.
Prince Lionheart stands behind their products and offers a 1 year limited warranty for manufacturing defects. This warranty does not provide coverage for products that are damaged as a result of misuse or abuse. If you believe your product is not working properly, please contact themand they will be happy to replace any part or product determined to be defective. They may require proof of purchase, photos, or return of the product in question for repair or replacement. Please do not send them defective products or parts unless they request you to do so.
$ 9.99
Made for play! Squish it up and run it under water, use like soap! If you hold it under running water, it will make bubbles! Keep bath time fun with...
$ 13.99
Whether you’re running marathons or running a company, wrestling mustangs or wrestling code, a hot, scented, moisturizing bath will let you hit the reset button and create all that magic...
Sold Out $ 3.99
Made from natural rubber! Sea creatures star in splashy adventures—and verbal skills develop—when kids play with Bathtub Pals. These fun characters bubble when submerged and drain easily after playtime in the...
609 W. Clinton St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Store Hours
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
Call or text: 607-272-1237
© 2025 Jillian's Drawers.